It's me

It's me

Friday, May 21, 2010


So, when it comes to any new technology or updated anything, I am one of the last to hop on board. At thirty years old, (well, two months shy of thirty) I am probably one of the most computer-challenged people of my generation. I was just graduating from cassette to CD when everybody else was moving on to Mp3's. I'm not sure what is going to be written in here, hence the generic title that can allow for anything.
For a bit of background. I am twenty-nine, almost thirty and working on realizing that "when I grow up," is already here. I am married to a 35 year-old Egyptian man, and am mentioning race only because I know it will have future relevance when mentioning the fact that my mother-in-law lives with us and the English is limited. I have a beautiful, five-year-old step-daughter (heck of a lot of hyphens!) I guess I should inform you of the expected, my mother-in-love absolutely ADORES me...and then Cinderella married the prince and they lived happily ever after... oh sorry... got my fantasies confused...
Perhaps it is possible for one to tell that my life is quite beautiful. I am blessed. I have a husband who loves me, a beautiful step-daughter, food in my stomach and a roof over my head. That roof is a two-bedroom. The cool thing is you can stand in the kitchen and see everyone in the house. It is a 'cute' home in cold area. I am scared to death for winter to come and us all to be stuck inside together. I am pretty sure one of us wouldn't come out alive, and if I was a betting person, I would bet against me being the one to make it.
I have began my online classes to complete my credentials...please to refer to first paragraph stating my computer inabilities. At least it is something to keep me busy. I am the one that when I first tried an online class I drove around the main office looking for the "drop-box" to put my work into. I didn't feel like such and idiot when I didn't find it until my "class-mates" informed me via e-mail that the drop-box is a section on the site. I spent my life thinking the huge D.A. on my head meant "Delectably Adorable"... oops....
Well, welcome to my blog. Here's to hoping for the best!

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