It's me

It's me

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Point of View

It is amazing how different life looks, situations look, everything looks when viewed from a different perspective. But, I am only human and will nearly always have a biased perspective of things. But that 'nearly' leaves those moments that you see from different eyes and for a moment, a brief moment, you see the world through the eyes of a stranger. And then you feel so selfish because for that moment you see that lonliness, that emptiness, that hunger to be needed, but the knowledge that you are the one that needs. And then all the rightious indignation no longer seems all that "rightious". Some think life would be easier if we could read people's minds; see from their eyes, but life is sometimes easier when you are able to go about your day in your selfish mindset that you are the one that is correct, offended; that you are the victim. But God is amazing in the fact He gives us those moments, however brief they may be, to see from other's eyes and realize that we are all just flying by the seat of our pants on an itty, bitty ball in a huge universe so might as well grab a hand and hold on.

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