It's me

It's me

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Point of View

It is amazing how different life looks, situations look, everything looks when viewed from a different perspective. But, I am only human and will nearly always have a biased perspective of things. But that 'nearly' leaves those moments that you see from different eyes and for a moment, a brief moment, you see the world through the eyes of a stranger. And then you feel so selfish because for that moment you see that lonliness, that emptiness, that hunger to be needed, but the knowledge that you are the one that needs. And then all the rightious indignation no longer seems all that "rightious". Some think life would be easier if we could read people's minds; see from their eyes, but life is sometimes easier when you are able to go about your day in your selfish mindset that you are the one that is correct, offended; that you are the victim. But God is amazing in the fact He gives us those moments, however brief they may be, to see from other's eyes and realize that we are all just flying by the seat of our pants on an itty, bitty ball in a huge universe so might as well grab a hand and hold on.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Changing Reality

So, one thing I have learned/am learning, is that the saying you can't change people is not true. You can piss them off, make them happy, and confuse the hell out of them. If you can't change the reality of the physical around you, then change the way you see it. Smile 'til it hurts. Kill them with kindness. When do you stop? You don't. You just keep being kind and smiling and praying and looking and searching for anything good you can see and even if it is just the fact that you have ten toes, you keep counting those ten toes over and over being thankful for each and every one of them, even the one whose nail decided to abandon ship! And when a bad thought sneaks up, ignore, IGNORE, ignore! And pretend life is what you really want it to be. Pretend you are as thin as you wish, as smart as you like, your husband is the most romantic, your child always picks up after themselves. Picture, paint, imagine! And whatever you do, you just keep pretending everything is perfect. Ignore that giant, purple elephant in the living room. You have beautiful curtains! SMILE! Enjoy your life. Enjoy the moment. The longest life is short at best. Life is a conglomeration of moments and this moment will be gone momentarily. Don't lose a moment!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


My husband and I went hiking today, taking our daughter for her first time. I am so happy she loved it. Afterwards, we were sitting in the kitchen eating dinner and I told her how proud I was of how she did. Her response was, "I'm proud of you too. You knew the way." It's amazing what things make us great in kids' eyes.
Being pretty new to the whole mom thing, the little things are huge to me. We play a game where, out of the blue, one of us will say, "Who loves Baba?" or "Who loves Melissa?" and the goal is to be the first one to say, "I do!" One day we were in the bathroom in McDonalds when she said, "Who loves Melissa?" and of course I answered quickly, "I do!" She told me, "No, I'm singing a song." and continued singing it with her answering, "I do." I was on the verge of tears of happiness to hear her singing she loves me when she stops singing as asks, "Do you know why I love the restroom?" "Because we do toilet in here." So, she loves me and also the restroom because we do 'toilet' in there! Gotta love them!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pop Quiz

Which is better:

a) to feel numb and have neither highs or lows
b)to feel, and have the highs but also have to deal with the LOW lows?

Which is better:

a)to not care at all
b)to care too much

Which is better:

a)to have the security of knowing you have the basics but walking on eggshells daily
b)facing the unknown

Why do they say 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me,' yet, 'the pen is mightier than the sword'?

If 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks,' then how is it possible to believe that 'it is never too late to learn'?

If the defination of "insanity" is 'doing the same thing over and over expecting different results', then why, "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again."?

Why is it rude not to say hello if someone says hello, yet we teach our kids to never talk to strangers?

How is it we tell our children never to take candy from a stranger but it is okay to buy candy from a stranger?

Friday, May 21, 2010


So, when it comes to any new technology or updated anything, I am one of the last to hop on board. At thirty years old, (well, two months shy of thirty) I am probably one of the most computer-challenged people of my generation. I was just graduating from cassette to CD when everybody else was moving on to Mp3's. I'm not sure what is going to be written in here, hence the generic title that can allow for anything.
For a bit of background. I am twenty-nine, almost thirty and working on realizing that "when I grow up," is already here. I am married to a 35 year-old Egyptian man, and am mentioning race only because I know it will have future relevance when mentioning the fact that my mother-in-law lives with us and the English is limited. I have a beautiful, five-year-old step-daughter (heck of a lot of hyphens!) I guess I should inform you of the expected, my mother-in-love absolutely ADORES me...and then Cinderella married the prince and they lived happily ever after... oh sorry... got my fantasies confused...
Perhaps it is possible for one to tell that my life is quite beautiful. I am blessed. I have a husband who loves me, a beautiful step-daughter, food in my stomach and a roof over my head. That roof is a two-bedroom. The cool thing is you can stand in the kitchen and see everyone in the house. It is a 'cute' home in cold area. I am scared to death for winter to come and us all to be stuck inside together. I am pretty sure one of us wouldn't come out alive, and if I was a betting person, I would bet against me being the one to make it.
I have began my online classes to complete my credentials...please to refer to first paragraph stating my computer inabilities. At least it is something to keep me busy. I am the one that when I first tried an online class I drove around the main office looking for the "drop-box" to put my work into. I didn't feel like such and idiot when I didn't find it until my "class-mates" informed me via e-mail that the drop-box is a section on the site. I spent my life thinking the huge D.A. on my head meant "Delectably Adorable"... oops....
Well, welcome to my blog. Here's to hoping for the best!